Take Action
Tired of the same old song and dance from DC? Are you ready to make a difference? You can help with your Time, Talent, and Treasure.

Treasure - Time - Talent = Take Action
You Can Make A Difference!
Elayne Cross is fighting to be the Representative you can count on to clean up dysfunctional DC and define the constitutional lane all representatives are required to stay in. Her leadership shifted the political atmosphere in Portage County, and she’s driven to take that zeal to Washington. When we direct our Time, Talent, and Treasure in the same direction – together we can do this!
Learn more about your next representative, Elayne Cross

Time: putting signs together, delivering signs or liturature, or helping at an event.
Talent: taking photos, videos, or crafting socail media posts, or administrative tasks.
Treasure: making a cash contribution or donating items.