About Elayne
Hi! I’m Elayne
A passion for liberty and personal responsibility is core to who I am. I am Elayne Cross and this is my story. Life experience can create lasting imprints on how one engages with the world. I have faced my share of difficulties which have solidified my love for all the United States represents. As a pragmatic thinker and scientist I want to see America function as the Founders intended.

To be honest, I was married at 20, had four children, and lived in a dysfunctional, toxic, and abusive marriage. Leaving that marriage, taking responsibility for my portion of the mess, learning boundaries, and true forgiveness changed me in remarkable ways. Those experiences and struggles made me stronger and more compassionate, honest and forthright. The true testament to that transformation is my marriage to Howard. We have been married for twenty years. Our marriage is encouraging, supportive, and loving. Together we have seven children: Daniel, Andrew, Madison, Amanda, Nathanael, Clark, and Monique. And at the center is Christ.
Professionally, I spent over twenty-five years in office management in the medical field. When the practice I was working for was closed I discovered the employment landscape had changed. Knowing what I knew how to do was not enough to get past the education filter. It was time to pursue a delayed goal and started college at thirty-five as a single mother of four. I graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Adolescent Education and minors in physics and geography. Unfortunately, Cut-backs, layoffs, and my unwillingness to relocate out of state, made finding a full-time permanent position unattainable. I worked half-time for several years as well as long-term sub positions until God closed that door in 2013.
What do you do when God takes your best laid plans and dumps them in the trash? Write a book. My first book has yet to be published, but it will be. Wounded Church is about wounds Christian’s experience as members of a church, and how to work through the pain. It is important to me that all believers can engage with a community of believers. I have published two books. How to Produce a Concealed Carry Fashion Show published in 2017 with co-author Amanda Suffecool. Together we have produced several concealed carry fashion shows including at the inaugural Carry-Guard Show of the NRA in Wisconsin in 2017. Ruth: The matriarch of Jewish Kings is a Bible study of the book of Ruth. These books are available on my website, elaynecross.com. I host and produce a Christian podcast Living Brightly. Where I encourage believers to let their light shine, push back against the darkness, and point others toward our Father in Heaven. It is available on all podcast platforms.
Howard and I love to talk politics and one day he noticed an advertisement for the Portage Republican Women’s Club Christmas dinner. I became a member that night, followed by becoming a member of the Portage County Republican Central Committee. in March of 2016 I was elected as Vice Chairman. Little did I know, I would soon lead the Committee from the second seat through the exciting 2016 election cycle. Infighting between the Old Guard and the new TEA Party members provided opportunity for destruction. Portage is/was one of seven swing counties in Ohio that help determine statewide election results. But as a result of my leadership, Trump won Portage by 10 points 2016, and 11 points in 2020. During my tenure as Vice Chairman, we elected more Republican’s to county offices than in living history.
In 2018 a position opened on the Portage County Board of Elections. Many members repeatedly asked me to submit my name for consideration. My resistance was my desire to run for office. Finally, I agreed and a member eagerly and eloquently nominated me. It was my pleaser to serve and learn ‘how the (election) sausage is made’. In 2022 when the new Chairman of the Portage GOP took over that seat and I switched to working the polls. When my term was up, I knew my name would soon be on the ballot.
Now I am on the ballot to take the strength, knowledge, wisdom, and fortitude God has given me through my life experiences to Washington D.C. We have a few strong leaders and they need help. Send me to help them revive this great nation; rejecting bloated federal government, empowering the states to fulfill their constitutional duties, and unleashing our individual rights and responsibilities. D.C. needs to get back in its lane and out of yours.
In your service,